Saturday, October 14, 2017


Yohimbine is a substance that is extracted from the bark of the yohimbe tree which is commonly found in Africa. It is often regarded as a stimulant drug that could give aphrodisiac effects and is used often to treat erectile dysfunction. In addition to its stimulating effects, it also functions as an energy-boosting drug, thus, leading to alertness, awareness and increased motivation. It also has a positive inpact on memory and concentration owing to the stimulation of the central nervous system. Moreover, it has been used as a fat burning supplement and is used by athletes due to the increased adrenaline levels provided. Yohimbine is categorized under Psycho stimulants.

Yohimbe is known as an alpha-2 antagonist, meaning it inhibits alpha-2 effects and can burn off stubborn fat. Imagine having smaller thighs, slimmer hips and rock hard abdominals or at least a flatter tummy. Heart rate increases which helps with increasing your body’s metabolism. This allows your body to burn more calories and fat. Certain chemicals in the body increase and can help burn fat. Because it dilates blood vessels men notice a decrease in erectile dysfunction as well.

Yohimbine is an active chemical found in the bark of the West African evergreen tree that grows in Nigeria, Gabon, Congo and Cameroon. In Africa, it has been traditionally used for the treatment of coughs, fever, and leprosy,  At the present time, it is classified as a prescription medicine in the United States as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and can even be used to replace Viagra.

Click here for Twinlab Twl Yohimbe Fuel Diet Supplement Capsules, 100 Count

What are the benefits of Yohimbine and its mechanism of action?

Aside from the things mentioned earlier, what more can Yohimbine offer to us? Yohimbine is a mild M A O I inhibitor with stimulant and aphrodisiac effects. It acts as a pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor blocking agent or antagonist. With this, it increases the activity of our body’s Central Nervous System particularly that of the Sympathetic Nervous System. As a stimulant, it increases the release of both epinephrine and norepinephrine. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is the neurotransmitter involved in our body’s “fight or flight"response. It provides our muscles the energy to respond quickly and more effectively when faced in a threat . Meanwhile, norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter also being referred to as the stress hormone. As the name implies, it is responsible for our body’s ability to respond to stress and is also involved in the “fight or flight"response. Norepinephrine increases a person’s breathing rate and heart rate thus, increasing blood circulation. And with an increase in blood flow, there will be more glucose and oxygen delivered to our working muscles as well as to our neurons in the brain . With Yohimbine’s influence on the two neurotransmitters, there will be a boost in brain power and physical energy as well as an increase in metabolism and faster neuronal communication. There would be an increase in an individual’s alertness, motivation, focus, stamina, cognitive speed, and a general mental performance.

Yohimbine is widely known to be a libido enhancer and a treatment for erectile dysfunction. But how does this supplement do such effect? Basically when taken in higher dosages, Yohimbine produces an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. However when consumed in lower dosages, its effects are opposite.  such as a decrease in blood pressure through vasodilation. Now with vasodilation, there is a reduction in the vascular resistance and an easier flow of blood within the blood vessels. With this, sexual benefits are experienced through an increase in circulation to the sexual organs. In relation to an increased blood flow, researches are now studying Yohimbine as a potential treatment for Type II Diabetes. This is then attributed to an improved circulation to the hands and feet as well.

 Increase sexual drive for men - GET HARD PILLS (FOR MEN ONLY) - Yohimbine plus - 1 Bottle 60 Capsules

Not only can Yohimbe help with shrinking your midsection and waist, but it helps with things including:

 Increases mood.

 Helps with depression and anxiety disorders.

Helps increase libido in both genders.

In an Appetite suppressant.

Yohimbe as a food supplement.

Today, you can find tablets, capsules, and teas sold over the counter and labeled “yohimbe,” “yohimbe bark extract,” and “yohimbine”. To make things even more confusing, a standardized version of yohimbine called “yohimbine HCl” is available as a prescription drug.

All of these terms are often used interchangeably, which has many people believing that the products have the same bedroom benefits.

While there are several supplements that claim to help with weight loss, yohimbe offers many benefits along with weight loss. yohimbe is a multi-function supplement that millions of consumers everywhere are utilizing.
There have been studies done that showed this product increased energy and heart rate allowing for increased calories being burned off the body. Both genders can benefit with weight loss properties that yohimbe supplements offer. One of the most important factors is to avoid taking this with food. Take yohimbe supplements between meals to allow it to be at its maximum effectiveness levels.

Keep in mind though results will vary from person to person. While someone else may lose a lot more weight you may not lose as much. yohimbe reacts with everyone’s body differently. Some factors including age and overall health determine what type of results you get.

Click here for Real Herbs Yohimbe Bark Extract Standardized to 3% Yohimbine HCL (Hydrochloride) - Yohimbine for Men & Women - Improves Sex Drive and Vitality - Yohimbe Bark Powder in 100 Vegetarian Capsules

Also keep in mind that just as with any other dieting effort you need to incorporate exercise and a well-balanced diet in the mix. Don’t think you can shove your face with junk food and watch TV all day. You need to put some effort in while taking this product to achieve maximum weight loss goals.

If you’re a member of a tribe in Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, or other parts of the region, it’s likely that you’ve relied on the bark of an evergreen tree for its purported aphrodisiac properties.

Indeed, Pygmies and Bushmen distilled this bark to produce a tea, which they consumed as a tonic to enhance sexual prowess and pleasure.

Sound like just the thing to help you step things up between the sheets?

There’s just one catch… just because tree bark is natural, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe.  In fact, this product could be downright risky.

A Potent Love Potion?

Europeans visiting Africa soon caught wind of this supposedly magical substance, and in eighteen ninty-six a German chemist isolated an alkaloid compound from the tree bark, which was named yohimbine.  Within four years, yohimbine was being studied, with researchers discovering that the compound may indeed act as a sexual excitant in both animals and humans.

As you can imagine, yohimbine was suddenly very popular in Europe, too.  The yohimbe tree was nicknamed the “love tree” and couples often sent each other “love candies” made from the bark.

Yohimbe Liquid Extract, Yohimbe Liquid (Pausinystalia Yohimbe) Tincture 2 oz
It’s true that both yohimbine and yohimbine HCl appear to act as mononamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, stimulating the central nervous system and increasing circulation by dilating blood vessels.  That mechanism could explain their reputation as sexual health supplements.

Ready to run out and start eagerly experimenting?  Well, I hate to rain on your parade, but there’s more to this supplement that meets the eye. and it may not all be rosy.

A Bedroom Boost – or Bust?

See, it’s true that yohimbine is best studied for its potential as a sexual stimulant: Research shows that it can boost blood levels of dopamine and norepinephrine by 66%.  These neurotransmitters play an important role in sexual excitement and mood.

Some studies suggest that yohimbine HCl may benefit men’s sexual health in particular: It appears to best help men with erectile dysfunction due to vascular, diabetic, or psychogenic causes.

In fact, a systematic review and meta-analysis of seven randomized, controlled trials found that yohimbine HCl was superior to a placebo in treating erectile dysfunction, with few side effects.  The researchers determined that the potential benefits of yohimbine HCl outweigh any possible risks.

Other research has examined the effects of yohimbine on orgasmic dysfunction in men and reduced libido in women, with positive findings. It even appears to improve sexual dysfunction associated with SSRI antidepressants.

But there’s one problem, and it’s a biggie.

The majority of studies on this compound used yohimbine HCl, the standardized drug form of the substance.

In other words, many of the claims made for yohimbine supplements are based on research involving the drug.  And yohimbe bark itself hasn’t been studied at all.

It isn’t clear if these supplements will have the same effects as their prescription counterpart.

This Bark Has a Bite…

I know what you’re thinking: It sounds like yohimbine (or “yohimbe bark extract”) and yohimbine HCl are essentially the same thing.   Some may ask, Can’t you just take the supplement and get the benefits of the drug?


Not so fast. On the other hand, supplements labeled “yohimbine” or “yohimbe bark extract” may contain varying amounts of this ingredient, so there’s no way of knowing if you’re getting the same proven benefits as you might get from the drug.

Because of this, side effects associated with yohimbine– typically stomach upset, anxiety, tremors, racing heart, high blood pressure, sweating or chills, dizziness, and insomnia – could be better or worse in supplemental yohimbine.

We just don’t know. But we do know that all forms of yohimbine act as MAO inhibitors, which can cause serious adverse effects when taken with certain foods (such as liver, cheese, and red wine) or with over-the-counter products containing phenylpropanolamine, such as nasal decongestants and diet aids.  You don’t want to take an MAO inhibitor without your doctor’s supervision.

That’s reason enough to take a pass on yohimbine supplements.

A Libido Letdown

Yohimbine can also interact with other MAO inhibitors (some antidepressants), high blood pressure medications, stimulant drugs, and caffeine.

And yohimbine (both the drug and supplement) isn’t recommended for people with anxiety, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, angina (chest pain), or liver disease.

There have even been two reported deaths linked to yohimbine overdoses. That’s not exactly the type of spice you want to add to your love life.

Until we have much more research on the effectiveness and safety of yohimbe and yohimbine supplements, use them with caution. No sexy stimulant is worth these risks!

And remember, keep an open mind to new ideas, but ALWAYS do your own homework…and combine that with common sense to figure out what’s best for YOU.

Dosage and Usage Instructions

This product should be used with caution as it is powerful. Take each capsule with a full glass of water and preferably on an empty stomach. This supplement should be used if you are healthy, and you should talk to your doctor before you begin taking this supplement. If you are on other medications this is especially true as it can interact with some medications.
Associated side effects with Yohimbine usage include headaches, gastointestinal and sleep disturbances, hypertension, irritability, nausea and vomiting. When used in high doses, it may result in difficulty breathing, paralysis, low blood pressure, heart problems, and even death.

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