Sunday, October 15, 2017

Ancient Answers to Erectile Dysfunction

Aphrodisiacs and erectile dysfunction

The search for a cure for erectile dysfunction (ED) dates back way before the introduction of Viagra in the 1990s. Natural aphrodisiacs, from ground rhinoceros horn to chocolate, have long been used to increase libido, potency, or sexual pleasure. These natural remedies are also popular because they’re said to have fewer side effects than prescribed medications.
Research shows that certain herbs have varying degrees of success for ED. These herbs include . . .



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                              Click here for Yohimbine Hcl Supplements Primaforce 90 3 Pack 


  Mondia Whitei             

Click here for Mondia Whitei Root Extract

Keep listening to discover what studies say about these herbs and how they might treat ED.

What causes erectile dysfunction?

ED is often a symptom, not a condition. An erection is a result of complex multisystem processes in a man’s body. Sexual arousal involves interaction between your:


    Nervous system




A condition like diabetes or stress can affect these parts and functions and can cause ED. Research shows that ED is mostly due to problems with the blood vessels. In fact, plaque buildup in the arteries causes ED in about 40 percent of men over 50 years old.

What are the treatment options?

Your doctor can help identify the underlying cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Treating an underlying condition is the first step to treating your ED.

Treatments your doctor may prescribe if your ED persists include:

    Prescription medicine or injections

    Penis suppository

    Testosterone replacement

    A penis pump (vacuum erection device)

    A penile implant

    Blood vessel surgery

Lifestyle treatments include:

    Sexual anxiety counseling

    Psychological counseling

    Maintaining a healthy weight

    Reducing tobacco and alcohol use

Alternative treatments

Many stores sell herbal supplements and health foods that claim to have sexual potency and fewer side effects. They’re also often cheaper than prescribed medications. But these options have little scientific research to back up the claims, and there’s no uniform method on testing their effectiveness. Most results from human trials rely on self-evaluation, which can be subjective and difficult to interpret.

Always talk to your doctor before trying supplements as they may interact with medications you’re already taking. Many supplements are also known to interact negatively with alcohol. Your doctor will be able to make recommendations based on your condition.

Panax ginseng, a Chinese and Korean herb

Panax ginseng has a 2,000-year history in Chinese and Korean medicine as a tonic for health and longevity. People take the roots of this ginseng, also called Korean red ginseng, for ED as well as:




    Overall well-being

Clinical studies show significant improvement in:

    Penile rigidity


    Duration of erection

    Improved libido

    Overall satisfaction

Panax Ginseng works as an antioxidant, releasing nitric oxide (NO) that helps erectile functions. Some people use a Panax ginseng cream for premature ejaculation.


In human trials, participants took 900 milligrams of P. ginseng 3 times a day for 8 weeks.

This plant is considered a safe treatment, but should be only used on a short-term basis (6 to 8 weeks). The most common side effect is insomnia.

Ginseng can interact negatively with alcohol, caffeine, and some medications. Ask your doctor about how often you can take P. ginseng if you’re planning to use it.

Maca, the root vegetable from Peru 

For overall health benefits, maca is a great addition to your diet. Maca, or Lepidium meyenii, is rich in:

    Amino acids




There are three types of maca: red, black, and yellow. Black maca also appears to alleviate stress and improve memory. And stress can cause ED.

In animal trials, maca extract significantly improved sexual performance in rats. But this Peruvian root has minimal evidence for its direct ability to improve erectile function. Studies show that eating this root may have a placebo effect. The same researchers also found that maca has no effect on hormones levels.


Men who took 3 grams of maca per day for 8 weeks reported an improvement in sexual desire more often than men who didn’t take it.

While maca is generally safe, studies do show elevated blood pressure in people with heart conditions who took 0.6 grams of maca per day.

It’s recommended that your daily consumption be less than 1 gram per kilogram, or 1 gram per 2.2 pounds.

Yohimbine, a West African tree bark 

Yohimbine comes from the bark of a West African evergreen tree. For the last 70 years, people have used yohimbine as a treatment for ED because it’s believed to:

    Activate the penile nerves to release more N O

    Widen the blood vessels to increase blood flow in the penis

    Stimulate the pelvic nerve and boost adrenaline supply

    Increase sexual desire

    Prolong erections

One study found that 14 percent of the group that was treated with yohimbine had full-stimulated erections, 20 percent had some response, and 65 percent had no improvement. Another study found that 16 out of 29 men were able to reach orgasm and ejaculate after completing their treatment.

A combination of yohimbine and L-arginine is shown to significantly improve erectile function in people with ED. L-arginine is an amino acid that helps expand blood vessels. It’s regarded as safe and effective for ED but can cause side effects like nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Avoid taking L-arginine with Viagra, nitrates, or any high blood pressure medications.


In the trials, participants received about 20 milligrams of yohimbine per day, throughout the day.

While tests have shown positive results, yohimbine’s adrenaline effects can cause side effects that include:

Mondia whitei, roots of an African plant

Mondia whitei, also known as White’s ginger, is particularly popular in Uganda, where medicinal plants are more common than medication. It’s used to increase libido and manage low sperm count.

Studies suggest that M. whitei may be similar to Viagra in that in increases the following:

    Sexual desire

    Human sperm motility

    Testosterone levels

    N O production and erections

In fact, there’s even a drink call “Mulondo Wine” that uses M. whitei as an ingredient. M. whitei is considered an aphrodisiac because of evidence that it increases libido, potency, and sexual pleasure. Studies in mice suggest that M. whitei is also fairly low in toxicity.






Talk to your doctor before taking yohimbine, especially if you are also taking antidepressants or stimulant medications.

Ginkgo biloba, herb from a Chinese tree

Ginkgo biloba may increase blood flow to the penis. Researchers discovered the effect of gingko on ED when male participants in a memory enhancement study reported improved erections. Another trial saw improvement in sexual function in 76 percent of the men who were on antidepressant medication. This is why researchers believe that ginkgo may be effective for men who are experiencing ED due to medication.

But some studies also report no improvement or differences after taking ginkgo. This may mean that gingko is better for ED management than as a treatment or cure.


In the study where men reported a positive response, the participants took 40 or 60 milligram capsules twice a day for four weeks. They were also on antidepressant medication.

Talk to your doctor if you’re considering ginkgo supplements. Your risk for bleeding may increase, especially if you are on blood thinning medications.

Other herbs reported to treat ED

These herbs have shown a pro-erectile effect in animals such as rabbits and rats:
    Horny goat weed, or epimedium

    Musli, or Chlorophytum borivilianum

    Saffron, or Crocus sativus

    Tribulus terrestris

Always talk to your doctor before trying a new herbal supplement. These herbs in particular have little scientific evidence of their effect in people. They may also interact with your medications or cause unintended side effects.

Potential risks and side effects

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved any of these herbs as a medical treatment. Many herbs come from other countries and may be contaminated. And these herbs aren’t as well-studied or tested as prescription medication like Viagra. Always buy your supplements from a reputable source.

The FDA also warns men against purchasing supplements and creams that advertise themselves as the “herbal Viagra.” Herbal Viagra is banned because it can contain prescription medicines or other harmful ingredients that may cause severe side effects. In most cases, the harmful substances aren’t listed in the ingredients.

Consult your doctor before purchasing any over-the-counter or online ED treatments.

When to talk to your doctor

Make an appointment with your doctor if you have other symptoms accompanying ED, or if your ED is affecting your quality of life. It’s important to mention any supplements you’re interested in during your visit.

Don’t forget to tell your doctor about any symptoms that you may be experiencing or feeling due to ED. These details can help your doctor find the right treatment, especially if there’s an underlying condition causing your ED. If this is the case, you may not need herbal supplements.

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Yohimbine is a substance that is extracted from the bark of the yohimbe tree which is commonly found in Africa. It is often regarded as a stimulant drug that could give aphrodisiac effects and is used often to treat erectile dysfunction. In addition to its stimulating effects, it also functions as an energy-boosting drug, thus, leading to alertness, awareness and increased motivation. It also has a positive inpact on memory and concentration owing to the stimulation of the central nervous system. Moreover, it has been used as a fat burning supplement and is used by athletes due to the increased adrenaline levels provided. Yohimbine is categorized under Psycho stimulants.

Yohimbe is known as an alpha-2 antagonist, meaning it inhibits alpha-2 effects and can burn off stubborn fat. Imagine having smaller thighs, slimmer hips and rock hard abdominals or at least a flatter tummy. Heart rate increases which helps with increasing your body’s metabolism. This allows your body to burn more calories and fat. Certain chemicals in the body increase and can help burn fat. Because it dilates blood vessels men notice a decrease in erectile dysfunction as well.

Yohimbine is an active chemical found in the bark of the West African evergreen tree that grows in Nigeria, Gabon, Congo and Cameroon. In Africa, it has been traditionally used for the treatment of coughs, fever, and leprosy,  At the present time, it is classified as a prescription medicine in the United States as a treatment for erectile dysfunction and can even be used to replace Viagra.

Click here for Twinlab Twl Yohimbe Fuel Diet Supplement Capsules, 100 Count

What are the benefits of Yohimbine and its mechanism of action?

Aside from the things mentioned earlier, what more can Yohimbine offer to us? Yohimbine is a mild M A O I inhibitor with stimulant and aphrodisiac effects. It acts as a pre-synaptic alpha-2 adrenergic receptor blocking agent or antagonist. With this, it increases the activity of our body’s Central Nervous System particularly that of the Sympathetic Nervous System. As a stimulant, it increases the release of both epinephrine and norepinephrine. Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is the neurotransmitter involved in our body’s “fight or flight"response. It provides our muscles the energy to respond quickly and more effectively when faced in a threat . Meanwhile, norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter also being referred to as the stress hormone. As the name implies, it is responsible for our body’s ability to respond to stress and is also involved in the “fight or flight"response. Norepinephrine increases a person’s breathing rate and heart rate thus, increasing blood circulation. And with an increase in blood flow, there will be more glucose and oxygen delivered to our working muscles as well as to our neurons in the brain . With Yohimbine’s influence on the two neurotransmitters, there will be a boost in brain power and physical energy as well as an increase in metabolism and faster neuronal communication. There would be an increase in an individual’s alertness, motivation, focus, stamina, cognitive speed, and a general mental performance.

Yohimbine is widely known to be a libido enhancer and a treatment for erectile dysfunction. But how does this supplement do such effect? Basically when taken in higher dosages, Yohimbine produces an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. However when consumed in lower dosages, its effects are opposite.  such as a decrease in blood pressure through vasodilation. Now with vasodilation, there is a reduction in the vascular resistance and an easier flow of blood within the blood vessels. With this, sexual benefits are experienced through an increase in circulation to the sexual organs. In relation to an increased blood flow, researches are now studying Yohimbine as a potential treatment for Type II Diabetes. This is then attributed to an improved circulation to the hands and feet as well.

 Increase sexual drive for men - GET HARD PILLS (FOR MEN ONLY) - Yohimbine plus - 1 Bottle 60 Capsules

Not only can Yohimbe help with shrinking your midsection and waist, but it helps with things including:

 Increases mood.

 Helps with depression and anxiety disorders.

Helps increase libido in both genders.

In an Appetite suppressant.

Yohimbe as a food supplement.

Today, you can find tablets, capsules, and teas sold over the counter and labeled “yohimbe,” “yohimbe bark extract,” and “yohimbine”. To make things even more confusing, a standardized version of yohimbine called “yohimbine HCl” is available as a prescription drug.

All of these terms are often used interchangeably, which has many people believing that the products have the same bedroom benefits.

While there are several supplements that claim to help with weight loss, yohimbe offers many benefits along with weight loss. yohimbe is a multi-function supplement that millions of consumers everywhere are utilizing.
There have been studies done that showed this product increased energy and heart rate allowing for increased calories being burned off the body. Both genders can benefit with weight loss properties that yohimbe supplements offer. One of the most important factors is to avoid taking this with food. Take yohimbe supplements between meals to allow it to be at its maximum effectiveness levels.

Keep in mind though results will vary from person to person. While someone else may lose a lot more weight you may not lose as much. yohimbe reacts with everyone’s body differently. Some factors including age and overall health determine what type of results you get.

Click here for Real Herbs Yohimbe Bark Extract Standardized to 3% Yohimbine HCL (Hydrochloride) - Yohimbine for Men & Women - Improves Sex Drive and Vitality - Yohimbe Bark Powder in 100 Vegetarian Capsules

Also keep in mind that just as with any other dieting effort you need to incorporate exercise and a well-balanced diet in the mix. Don’t think you can shove your face with junk food and watch TV all day. You need to put some effort in while taking this product to achieve maximum weight loss goals.

If you’re a member of a tribe in Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, or other parts of the region, it’s likely that you’ve relied on the bark of an evergreen tree for its purported aphrodisiac properties.

Indeed, Pygmies and Bushmen distilled this bark to produce a tea, which they consumed as a tonic to enhance sexual prowess and pleasure.

Sound like just the thing to help you step things up between the sheets?

There’s just one catch… just because tree bark is natural, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe.  In fact, this product could be downright risky.

A Potent Love Potion?

Europeans visiting Africa soon caught wind of this supposedly magical substance, and in eighteen ninty-six a German chemist isolated an alkaloid compound from the tree bark, which was named yohimbine.  Within four years, yohimbine was being studied, with researchers discovering that the compound may indeed act as a sexual excitant in both animals and humans.

As you can imagine, yohimbine was suddenly very popular in Europe, too.  The yohimbe tree was nicknamed the “love tree” and couples often sent each other “love candies” made from the bark.

Yohimbe Liquid Extract, Yohimbe Liquid (Pausinystalia Yohimbe) Tincture 2 oz
It’s true that both yohimbine and yohimbine HCl appear to act as mononamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, stimulating the central nervous system and increasing circulation by dilating blood vessels.  That mechanism could explain their reputation as sexual health supplements.

Ready to run out and start eagerly experimenting?  Well, I hate to rain on your parade, but there’s more to this supplement that meets the eye. and it may not all be rosy.

A Bedroom Boost – or Bust?

See, it’s true that yohimbine is best studied for its potential as a sexual stimulant: Research shows that it can boost blood levels of dopamine and norepinephrine by 66%.  These neurotransmitters play an important role in sexual excitement and mood.

Some studies suggest that yohimbine HCl may benefit men’s sexual health in particular: It appears to best help men with erectile dysfunction due to vascular, diabetic, or psychogenic causes.

In fact, a systematic review and meta-analysis of seven randomized, controlled trials found that yohimbine HCl was superior to a placebo in treating erectile dysfunction, with few side effects.  The researchers determined that the potential benefits of yohimbine HCl outweigh any possible risks.

Other research has examined the effects of yohimbine on orgasmic dysfunction in men and reduced libido in women, with positive findings. It even appears to improve sexual dysfunction associated with SSRI antidepressants.

But there’s one problem, and it’s a biggie.

The majority of studies on this compound used yohimbine HCl, the standardized drug form of the substance.

In other words, many of the claims made for yohimbine supplements are based on research involving the drug.  And yohimbe bark itself hasn’t been studied at all.

It isn’t clear if these supplements will have the same effects as their prescription counterpart.

This Bark Has a Bite…

I know what you’re thinking: It sounds like yohimbine (or “yohimbe bark extract”) and yohimbine HCl are essentially the same thing.   Some may ask, Can’t you just take the supplement and get the benefits of the drug?


Not so fast. On the other hand, supplements labeled “yohimbine” or “yohimbe bark extract” may contain varying amounts of this ingredient, so there’s no way of knowing if you’re getting the same proven benefits as you might get from the drug.

Because of this, side effects associated with yohimbine– typically stomach upset, anxiety, tremors, racing heart, high blood pressure, sweating or chills, dizziness, and insomnia – could be better or worse in supplemental yohimbine.

We just don’t know. But we do know that all forms of yohimbine act as MAO inhibitors, which can cause serious adverse effects when taken with certain foods (such as liver, cheese, and red wine) or with over-the-counter products containing phenylpropanolamine, such as nasal decongestants and diet aids.  You don’t want to take an MAO inhibitor without your doctor’s supervision.

That’s reason enough to take a pass on yohimbine supplements.

A Libido Letdown

Yohimbine can also interact with other MAO inhibitors (some antidepressants), high blood pressure medications, stimulant drugs, and caffeine.

And yohimbine (both the drug and supplement) isn’t recommended for people with anxiety, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney disease, angina (chest pain), or liver disease.

There have even been two reported deaths linked to yohimbine overdoses. That’s not exactly the type of spice you want to add to your love life.

Until we have much more research on the effectiveness and safety of yohimbe and yohimbine supplements, use them with caution. No sexy stimulant is worth these risks!

And remember, keep an open mind to new ideas, but ALWAYS do your own homework…and combine that with common sense to figure out what’s best for YOU.

Dosage and Usage Instructions

This product should be used with caution as it is powerful. Take each capsule with a full glass of water and preferably on an empty stomach. This supplement should be used if you are healthy, and you should talk to your doctor before you begin taking this supplement. If you are on other medications this is especially true as it can interact with some medications.
Associated side effects with Yohimbine usage include headaches, gastointestinal and sleep disturbances, hypertension, irritability, nausea and vomiting. When used in high doses, it may result in difficulty breathing, paralysis, low blood pressure, heart problems, and even death.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Stinging Nettle Root

Stinging nettle root (Urtica dioica) is a common plant most readers may already be familiar with.

It’s added into many testosterone booster supplements, and generally stinging nettle is  labeled by some as a testosterone raising herbal supplement that works by inhibiting SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), and thus makes testosterone more bio-available in the body. Confusingly, nettle roots are also claimed to both; increase and decrease DHT levels.

Nettle Roots and Testosterone

There are several active compounds in nettles, such as; lectins, histamine, sterols, glycosides, and polysaccharide lignans.

The stinging nettle plant has been extensively studied in isolated cell cultures (in-vitro) and in animals.

Limited studies also exist in humans, but not enough to make any definitive conclusions. Most of the trials revolve around the topic of prostatic health.
It’s good to note that most of the research is done with the root parts of the plant, since many supplement companies try to be sneaky and use the much cheaper leaves in their formulations.

It has been noted in test-tubes that the polysaccharide lignans extracted from nettle roots have the ability to bind SHBG molecules, rendering them inactive by taking the place that would normally be populated by hormones.

One study found this inhibitory potency to be dose-dependent, starting from 0.6 milligrams per milliliter and being fully inhibited at 10 milligrams per milliliter. So there is a legitimate reason to claim that nettle roots could inhibit SHBG, but it’s good to remember that this was tested in cell-cultures on a petri dish, not inside actual living subjects.

Some in-vitro studies have shown that nettle roots can also inhibit the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which metabolizes testosterone into more potent derivate; DHT. However it has also been shown that this inhibition only happens with high-doses of methanol extracted root and doesn’t occur at all with lower amounts of ethanol extracted roots.

            Click here for Stinging Nettle Alcohol-FREE Liquid Extract 2 oz

 Since nettle root may block 5-a reductase at higher dosages, it may also lower the conversion rate of testosterone to DHT. On the other hand, since nettle root extract also lowers the binding affinity of SHBG towards androgens, it also makes the DHT already in circulation more bio-available. In-vitro research  noted that isolated lignans were able to displace DHT from SHBG by up to a staggering 60-94%.

Research on prostate enlargement has shown that stinging nettle root extract greatly reduces the rate of complications associated with prostate issues, such as reduced urinary flow and the number of times older men have to wake up to take a leak at night. In both animals and humans, slight reductions in prostate gland size have been noted.

 Click here for Prostavec Prostate Support Supplement
 Although many are quick to rule the prostate benefits of nettle root extract to reduced DHT, few studies have speculated that it may actually be the reduced SHBG that is responsible for these effects.

Since the in-vitro and animal studies suggest stinging nettle roots to lower SHBG and possibly also 5-a reductase, the result should logically be significantly increased free-testosterone levels. However, in a human study where 558 subjects got 120mg of nettle root extract 3-times per day, the researchers saw no change in testosterone. In fact, the only research in living organism to ever show increases in testosterone levels, was conducted on rats that were already being supplemented with testosterone injections.


From the previously mentioned studies, it’s obvious that all the claims of nettle root benefits, simply don’t pan out in human trials.

In isolated cell-cultures, nettle roots inhibit SHBG and can even free-up bound hormones from it.

In isolated cells, nettle root extract also slightly inhibits 5-a reductase and could thus lead to lower DHT.

In animal studies, nettle roots have shown to lower SHBG, increase testosterone, and improve prostate health.

In the only human study to look at its effects on testosterone levels, no hormonal change was seen, although it improves prostate health.

If you decide to supplement with stinging nettle root (which may or may not work), make sure it’s high-quality root extract with the actual lingans.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Men often delude themsleves when it comes to their personal health

Ask a man if he is healthy, and he will most likely say, "Sure."  He will say it even if is is pissing blood and bleeding from the nose.  But ask a physician to define what it means to be in "excellent health"  an he will give you the following checklist.  If yo can check off all of the following qualities, then you are more than a great guy - you are a physical specimen possessing rare genetic gifts.

You have extremely high cholesterol

You have extremely high cholesterol.  About 432,000 men die of heart disease every year - nearly one and a half times the tally killed by cancer.  "But if you have and HDL (high-density lipoprotein -  the good stuff) count of 90 mg/dl or more, you have very little worry of developing heart disease or arteriosclerosis.  You have an ample supply of HDL to keep your arteries clean, so you should never develop significant blockages.  A study that followed 8,586 men for 21 years found that those with the highest HDL cholesterol levels were least likely to die of strokes. 

To increase you HDL cholesterol levels, you need to exercise at a moderate intensity for about 20 minutes at least four times a week, and drop at least 5 pounds from your gut.  A normal HDL score is about 40 mg/dl;  your goal is to at least double that.

You have an athlete's heart

Your heart will beat a fixed number of times before it shuts down.  To insure that you don't blow your quota by age 50, you need to keep your resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute.  Find your resting rate by taking your pulse in the morning while you are still in bed; multiply the beats in 15 seconds by four.

Exercising at moderate intensities for long periods will lower your resting heart rate over time.  A weekly goal should be: at least four 40-minute aerobic workouts.  To maintain an effective workout pace, use a heart-rate monitor or keep varying your intensity.  For example, run, bike,  row slowly for 3 minutes, then go all out for 1 minute.

You can answer "yes" to two career questions

Do you look forward to going to work?

Do you look forward to going home in the afternoon?

If you can answer ""yes" to both of these questions, you have a very low risk of dying of heart attack or any other heart-related problem.

You have a PSA score less than 2.5 nanograms per millileter

The number indicates not only a very low risk of prostate cancer, but also a low risk of the PSA ( prostate specific antigen)  progressing above 4ng/ml (the danger level) within the next 4 years.  Eating key nutrients can help lower PSA count.  Incorporating the following key nutrients into your diet  can be  helpful.  10 milligrams of lycopene, 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 200 micrograms of selenium, and 200 international units of vitamin E.

You have two close male friends

Those two people can't be current coworkers,  neighbors, hitchhikers, or anyone who you know only as "the guy who is always at the end of the bar."  If you pass this test and you are over 35, it means you have far healthier social ties - and a better chance of living longer - than two thirds of all men.  Passing this test means you do not base all of your friendships on the foam pillars of convenience, geography, or a job - the mistakes that lead most men to be friendless by their 40's.  Instead, you work to maintain friendships based on common interests and compatibility.

You can ejaculate a teaspoon of semen (5 milliliters) or up to a tablespoon on a particularly good day

That is the level you were able to produce when you were 20.  If your prostrate is healthy, you should have the same output at age 50.

You can walk 2 miles in 28 minutes

Anybody can run a mile in 10 or 12 minutes; the more out of shape you are, the more hours you will spend wheezing afterward.  Maintaining a vigorous walking pace for a longer period of time is actually a better measure of your fitness.  According to Swedish researchers, a fit 40 year old man should be able to walk 2 miles in under 30 minutes.  If you can cover that ground in under 28 minutes you are in excellent shape.

You have balance and strength

Most men overdo pushing exercises like bench presses and squats, so it is rare to find a man with balanced muscular strength.  To have good muscle harmony, you should have a 1:1 strength ratio for your biceps and triceps.  That means if you can curl a 50-pound barbell 10 times, you should be able to do triceps pushdowns with 50 pounds for 10 reps.   - no fewer or more.  As for your legs, your quadriceps and hamstrings should have a 3:2 strength ratio.  If you can do 10 leg curls with 65 pounds, you should be able exactly 10 leg presses with 100 pounds.  If this quick test shows that you have uneven strength, change your workout.